In 2021 the big achievement is “I am Alive” (Alhamdulillah). without this only have a "BIG NOTHING" on my achievement bag for 2021. It was just a busy year in my life, but obviously not for work. Maximum time i have waste my time for some unusual case.
Lets drive into deep how I waste a year.
- Mobile Screening
- Too Weak in Personal Time & Task management
- Lazy
- Exhausted
- Personal Branding and Network
- BAD Food Habit & Sleep time
- Emotional Intelligence
Mobile Screening too high

This is screenshot from my phone
I wasted 5 Hrs. per day just watching phone without any heavy important task. Its not about receive call & chat. Its for scrolling Facebook and do random stuff. I understand without phone now a days people can’t breathe for a while, but its deep truth using phone just not only harmful for health but also time. You can return everything but not time.
Too Weak in Time & Task management
For workplace or office I use multiple types of tools to manage task. But for personal life I haven’t maintain any task board or scheduling. Just done everything when its urgent. Even I prioritize task depends on mind 😄 just not for the work although its super urgent 💥.
How much lazy I am ?? Good question, but i can’t answer it for my laziness 💤. in 2021 i can remember, 80% work i had done, when its gone bottle-neck. I tried to be relax, but when its became urgent, I lost my saved energy to done that. I thought i can use my saved energy in December-2021, unfortunately that's all I am giving to this post 😄.
Its one the important point is when i tried to do something , i lost my interest immediately. Living in busy city and 9-5 work just made me super exhausted. Don’t know how many peoples are happy who lives in DHAKA, but i can feel, no one is happy. 😞
Personal Branding and Network
I never meet any friends at outside of my home and office in 2021. Always talked with friends and family in virtual world. Now a days , if someone call me and ask to hangout outside, i feel extra pressure. So lost my community and less perform in personal branding.
BAD Food Habit & Sleep time
I can’t remember the last night when i go to bed at 11pm and wake up before 7am. I am writing this post with sleepy eyes, cause last night i sleep at 4am 🥱. I was 78KG at 2019 DEC, now i am around 84 KG. Its not just my ass always on chair and i am working on computer. I lost my belly control, that tank always empty.
Emotional Intelligence
Apart from all the points i mentioned, this is the fucking black Hole where I drive. Most of the time I lost my concentration just for something emotional. cause i cared others to put bamboo on my ass-hole.
Thanks for your effortless reading.